About Me
34. Dental Hygienist. Mom.Third generation Czechoslovakian. I was born and raised in deep south Texas. I love crafting, reading cooking and gardening.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
So... I did it. I actually ran 13.1 miles. Oh and I wasn't last either. I was so proud of myself, I cried. It's true I can be quite the crybaby but at least you know I'm human. I got a bad ass medal too. It's hanging in my closet. I can't wait for the full marathon!!!!
Friday, March 30, 2012
I really loathe people who blame others for something that they are not even responsible for. Annoyed. Race tomorrow. So glad James can go. I'm going to need all the inspiration I can get! :)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
89: The Pillars of the Earth
I've been running up a storm lately. I took this whole week off because the half marathon is in two days. I'm really excited. I know I can do this. I clocked 9 miles of running the other day and I'm all set for the big day.
oh yeah and I finally finished Pillars of the Earth. So here's the review.
oh yeah and I finally finished Pillars of the Earth. So here's the review.
Summary: Chronologically talks about one specific generation of family who's life ambitions are to help build a church cathedral from the ground up. Only one of the characters manages to even get to this point, which is at the very end. It goes through the order of trials and tribulations that the family goes through to get to the point of cathedral building. There is mass amounts of rape, war and foul language.
Rating: 3/5 I def. wouldn't let a very impressionable child read this. Don't get me wrong it's a good read but It's not for the young at heart. The rape scenes were so descriptive I felt like I was there and not in a good way. I even turned away from the book at one point. I've heard war and peace supposedly are along the same lines but I guess I need to read to find out. It was an interesting book, however very large at 957 or 967 pages. It took nearly a whole month to finish. I was interested in seeing the tv show related to this book but after reading about all the rape scenes I'm not so sure anymore.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
I am in love with this song. It has sad-but-true lyrics and is beautifully written. I really wish I could write something as memorable.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I know that some people think that Taylor Momsen dresses like a hooker but I don't care about her taboo fashion style. The bottom line is their music is pretty awesome. Not bad for someone who came off of Gossip Girl. Not even Leighton Meester has as much talent. Just saying. It helps that we have the same inspiration, Shirley Manson.
Monday, March 26, 2012
I always knew Garbage would make a comeback. I'm excited for the new album. Shirley Manson helped me get through serious emotions when I was a teen. I could really relate to her. Did I mention her sense of style is extremely awesome too? I bought fishnet tights the other day. Leopard printed ones ;)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
I miss this show. Why do they always take the really awesome shows off the air before giving them a chance to be great. R.I.P. My So Called Life.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
I felt like crap today but I'm feeling better. I ran a few errands today and went to see Mac play soccer at University fields. I have to remind myself not to go to HEB on Saturday. The place is literally a mad house! I did save $16.00. Hopefully the guys get out soon so we can relax. Damn you Gossip Girl, you're so addicting and so much more interesting than the book I'm reading :/
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Lots to do today. I am making myself read at least 200 pages. Then I have to vacuum womp womp womp.....
Monday, March 19, 2012
I'm obsessed with Gossip Girl. I just can't stop watching. I have to read!!! Serena Van Der Woodsen is my favorite person of the whole show. I'm so glad I found a replacement for the too-soonly-cancelled O.C. It helps that the creators of The O.C. are the same as those for Gossip Girl. Now if Joss Whedon would come out with another new series, I'd never see the outside world!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
78: HEB Ready, Set, Cook Challenge Week 1
As I mentioned before, I'm participating in HEB's Ready, Set, Cook for a chance to win a year's worth of groceries!! This week's recipe was simple. It was called Good Morning, Oatmeal!
Good Morning Oatmeal
1/2 cup of cranberries
1 cup of steel cut oats
1 pear chopped
1 apple chopped
1 tbsp of flax seed
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of water
sugar to taste
1 tsp vanilla ( optional)
1. Pour all contents together in a small crockpot before you go to bed. Let cook on low for seven hours. In the morning your oatmeal is ready to eat.
Recipe Rating 4/5 I'm still not used to the taste of steel cut oats. I'm guessing it's because I'm so used to regular oatmeal. Recipe is great. It's fast, easy and two people can eat off of it for a whole week. It's especially useful for those mornings James has to get up at 3 am for breakfast.
Good Morning Oatmeal
1/2 cup of cranberries
1 cup of steel cut oats
1 pear chopped
1 apple chopped
1 tbsp of flax seed
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of water
sugar to taste
1 tsp vanilla ( optional)
1. Pour all contents together in a small crockpot before you go to bed. Let cook on low for seven hours. In the morning your oatmeal is ready to eat.
Recipe Rating 4/5 I'm still not used to the taste of steel cut oats. I'm guessing it's because I'm so used to regular oatmeal. Recipe is great. It's fast, easy and two people can eat off of it for a whole week. It's especially useful for those mornings James has to get up at 3 am for breakfast.
Stay tuned.....
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
76: Yogurt Dots (Pintested)
I really like greek yogurt and when I found out you could make your own version of dippin' dots at home, I couldn't wait to try them. Usually this recipe calls for regular yogurt of any flavor but I was determined to see if it also worked with greek yogurt. (Consistency is thicker) Not only did it turn out well but, I can't stop making them. (Hmmm... sorta like that time I made glitter grapes.) So here's the simple recipe I got from Pinterest.
Dippin' (Yogurt) Dots
1/2 a cup of any flavored yogurt or greek yogurt (I used Greek Gods Strawberry Honey)
wax paper
cutting board (optional but was helpful when transfering flimsy wax paper to freezer. )
1. Grab spoon dip in yogurt and place a dollop (not daisy!! lol. ) on the wax paper. Repeat until you've made as many as your little heart desires.

2. Freeze for about an hour or so. Longer for greek yogurt.
Recipe Rating: 5/5 Quck, Easy and Healthy. Need I say more?
In coupon related news, Walgreens is having a sale on their veggie seeds and flowers. Good time to stock up herbs for cooking. Sale ends tomorrow but they are 5 for a $1. Now if only I can find some pots 5 for a $1.......
Dippin' (Yogurt) Dots
1/2 a cup of any flavored yogurt or greek yogurt (I used Greek Gods Strawberry Honey)
wax paper
cutting board (optional but was helpful when transfering flimsy wax paper to freezer. )
1. Grab spoon dip in yogurt and place a dollop (not daisy!! lol. ) on the wax paper. Repeat until you've made as many as your little heart desires.
2. Freeze for about an hour or so. Longer for greek yogurt.
Recipe Rating: 5/5 Quck, Easy and Healthy. Need I say more?
The finished project. I keep them frozen in my Tupperware. |
In coupon related news, Walgreens is having a sale on their veggie seeds and flowers. Good time to stock up herbs for cooking. Sale ends tomorrow but they are 5 for a $1. Now if only I can find some pots 5 for a $1.......
Thanks WAGS :) |
Thursday, March 15, 2012
75: Yes, I am ranting. You've been warned.
Wow. I finally finished all the dishes. That took like two hours. I'd say I won't ever wait that long to do them again but I know I'd be just lying to myself.
During my run that I dreaded this morning, I reached an epiphany. I sometimes like my runs for this reason. The things that pop into my head. I'm just running along and then BOOM, I get an idea. The idea is this. I am way too harsh on others. I know I criticize butttt.. it comes naturally given what I've been through. I'm not going into detail of exactly "what" I'm talking about but it's pretty life changing. It's enough to where every time someone bitches about how things are soooo complicated in their life's when clearly it's not even close to being horrible, I get offended and pissed off. I feel if some people had to live through what I've lived through they'd never survive. I know that some people might disagree with how I feel but then again they aren't me so they can't feel what I've felt. That being said, I'm really going to try to work on that. It comes with me caring too much. I'm just going to stop. I can't worry about other people as much as I do. It just wears me out. So starting today, I'll just keep my two cents to myself unless asked. This in no way means I'm going to be a mute, just less vocal. My weakness is that I care too much. I get pissed off that people settle for way less than they deserve. I also get upset when they ask for advice, don't use it and then bitch when things don't work out. I'm turning over a new leaf. I don't want to be friends with people who have the following traits: celf-centered, fake, air-headed,or know-it-all's. I want friends who are real that I can be honest with and not feel bad. I expect the same from them. Recently I've thought about some old friendships and I think it's time I breathe some life back into them. So I'm taking best friend applications...... and I promise I'll try not to be too brutally honest because apparently I just keep getting hurt that way.
During my run that I dreaded this morning, I reached an epiphany. I sometimes like my runs for this reason. The things that pop into my head. I'm just running along and then BOOM, I get an idea. The idea is this. I am way too harsh on others. I know I criticize butttt.. it comes naturally given what I've been through. I'm not going into detail of exactly "what" I'm talking about but it's pretty life changing. It's enough to where every time someone bitches about how things are soooo complicated in their life's when clearly it's not even close to being horrible, I get offended and pissed off. I feel if some people had to live through what I've lived through they'd never survive. I know that some people might disagree with how I feel but then again they aren't me so they can't feel what I've felt. That being said, I'm really going to try to work on that. It comes with me caring too much. I'm just going to stop. I can't worry about other people as much as I do. It just wears me out. So starting today, I'll just keep my two cents to myself unless asked. This in no way means I'm going to be a mute, just less vocal. My weakness is that I care too much. I get pissed off that people settle for way less than they deserve. I also get upset when they ask for advice, don't use it and then bitch when things don't work out. I'm turning over a new leaf. I don't want to be friends with people who have the following traits: celf-centered, fake, air-headed,or know-it-all's. I want friends who are real that I can be honest with and not feel bad. I expect the same from them. Recently I've thought about some old friendships and I think it's time I breathe some life back into them. So I'm taking best friend applications...... and I promise I'll try not to be too brutally honest because apparently I just keep getting hurt that way.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I'm seriously becoming lazy. I think it's all the running. Oh well, it's not like you really want to read my daily ramblings anyway. It's much more interesting when there is actually something to talk about.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Just got back from walking 5.0 miles. My right knee is still sore so I decided to take it easy and avoid an injury. I forgot to buy glucosamine from the store. It's supposed to help with joints. I'm thoroughly exhausted even though I only walked. The sun was beating down on me like a mofo. I went to the grocery store earlier so expect some new pintested recipes and HEB recipes as well. The store was really crowded today even for 1:00. Some old man accidentally took my cart instead of his and I was searching like a madwoman for it all over the store. Oh man, I really thought I had lost my mind.
Anywho, I decided to do some HEB recipes because they are holding a sweeps. Whoever, one of their recipes for six weeks is entered to win free groceries for a year ( a $5,200 value). In my case this would probably turn into groceries for two years at the rate I coupon. Since I have the time, I figured why not.
I've also finally calmed down about the wedding. No recent nightmares, Thank God and my DJ is finally confirmed for that day! Wow. I can't wait till this wedding actually happens it will def. be a load off my mind.
Anywho, I decided to do some HEB recipes because they are holding a sweeps. Whoever, one of their recipes for six weeks is entered to win free groceries for a year ( a $5,200 value). In my case this would probably turn into groceries for two years at the rate I coupon. Since I have the time, I figured why not.
I've also finally calmed down about the wedding. No recent nightmares, Thank God and my DJ is finally confirmed for that day! Wow. I can't wait till this wedding actually happens it will def. be a load off my mind.
Monday, March 12, 2012
I finished the Charmed series finally. Now on to other fun tv shows. Nothing much else you can do when you have runner's knee. :(
Sunday, March 11, 2012
It's Sunday. I'm totally living up this day by spending it in my pj's. I'm pretty sore from yesterday. 5 miles in under an hour and I'm pretty beat. I didn't even hear James get up this morning to go to work. He's still there and I hope he gets out soon otherwise it's a another Charmed marathon for me!!!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
It is freaking cold today!! It's starting to warm up but "Damn, Texas could you be more random?" I am not looking forward to running 5 miles today either. I've been feeling borderline sick for days. I woke up this morning with chest pain that scared the crap out of me. I think I might of just slept on a muscle wrong. I eat really healthy especially now so I don't think it's heart related. If the left side of my body starts going numb I'll go. Ugh, I hate feeling blah. It's almost as if I have mono or something. Oh well, I'm giving this weather two hours to straighten up and then I'm going to go run those dreaded 5.0 miles.
Friday, March 9, 2012
69: Buttermilk Pie etc.
I made buttermilk pie today yay! I would post pictures, details and yada yada but I'm feeling a little lazy. I literally rearranged half of the apartment, washed all the dishes (a feat in itself), made beans, rice, mopped the floors, de-cluttered the pantry and watched Mac. I'm pretty beat and I should be reading but I'm not. Instead I'm having a Charmed marathon. I need to finish those asap! I freaked out earlier when I went to Netflix and it said they couldn't be played instantly (NOOOOO!!!) I probably looked like the biggest dork screaming at the t.v. Turns out it just needed to load. Anyway, that was my day.
UPDATE: Oops. I forgot to include the link for the Buttermilk Pie. You can find IT <----- Here. ^.^
Did I mention I finally re-organized my binder? Pretty snazzy, huh? |
UPDATE: Oops. I forgot to include the link for the Buttermilk Pie. You can find IT <----- Here. ^.^
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Here's a photo of my girl, Trigger. She finally sat still and a photo of all the freebies I got today. I'm feeling a little under the weather so that is all.
Monday, March 5, 2012
65: 11 Questions (Really Late oops)
I just noticed that almadear tagged me in a questions post. Oops. I really new to this still but I'll give a shot. :)
1. What is the greatest, most defining, moment of your life so far?
When James asked me to marry him. It was so simple and even though I knew it would happen eventually,it still caught me off guard. I was actually upset before because I thought he was ignoring me. Lol. Little did I know he spent so much time outside preparing himself.
2. If you had to eat only 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
I'm sort of a vegetable/fruit freak. I would have to say tomatoes, french fries and avocados. In that order.
3. Pick 5 songs you would listen in repeat all day.
This is a tough one. There are so many great songs out there. 1. Bittersweet Symphony- The Verve. 2. The Middle- Jimmy Eat World 3. Imagine- John Lennon 4. Ghetto Gospel featuring Elton John - Tupac Shakur 5. Esto Es Vida- Draco
4.How would you spend your last day on earth?
Probably on a beach somewhere soaking up the sun. I miss the beach. :(
5. If you could bring any endangered species back to life, which would it be and why?
Extinct: Sabre Tooth Tiger just because it would have been neat to see one in person. Endangered: Giant Panda and Texas Ocelot. I've always loved Pandas and Ocelot's I tried to save before in elementary fundraising.
6. What are your top three goals?
1. Run my first marathon. 2. Finish Oprah's book club list 3. Finish A.F.I.'s 100 Years 100 Movies
7 .I admit it. Some commercials make me cry. What commercials have made you tear up a bit?
This one always makes me cry. I have to admit the ASPCA commercials are a close second. I have to change the channel because I cry over animals I can't save.
8. If you could do anything over again, what would it be?
I would have made some different female friend choices. Seems like I always pick the ones who hurt and desert.
9. In your opinion, is love real or overrated?
I used to think love was overrated until I fell in love with James. I learned that there is someone for everyone and sometimes it happens when you're not expecting it or looking for it.
10.What do you always have with you when you leave your home, aside form the obvious keys and cell phone?
Glasses. I couldn't drive without them!
11.What advice would you give your teenage self?
Don't be anti-social because you're afraid of what people might learn about your life and what you have experienced. The more you talk to others the better you feel and understand how strong you really are.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
64: Glitter Grapes, Beer Floats and King of the Hill
I don't know if it has anything to do with living here but we have been watching King of the Hill like crazy. Last night we took a last minute trip to HEB and made some simple snack recipes. I pintested the Glitter Grape recipe. It turned out awesome. The beer floats however, were a little on the strong side.
Recipe Rating: 5/5 Everyone who knows me knows I am a huge fan of snacking (Sour Patch Kids) and this takes care of the craving without most of the calories. Did I mention also cost efficient? Yummy.
Glitter Grapes (Great healthy recipe FYI)
1 lb. of green or purple seedless grapes (bc who wants to deal with seeds :P )
1 package of your choice of jello (I choose green grapes with watermelon jello)
1. Thoroughly rinse grapes with water. Do not pat dry!! Some water is necessary to make jello stick.
2. Tear open jello powder and empty onto a plate. Roll wet grapes in powder until fully covered on all sides. Do this until you run out of jello powder.
3. Place grapes with jello on a separate plate and refrigerate for an hour. Tastes sorta like sour skittles minus the guilt.
Recipe Rating: 5/5 Everyone who knows me knows I am a huge fan of snacking (Sour Patch Kids) and this takes care of the craving without most of the calories. Did I mention also cost efficient? Yummy.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Made glitter grapes tonight. Recipe tomorrow. Watching King of the Hill with baby and drinking Guiness ;)
Friday, March 2, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
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